Scientific process as red tape – A blog post about how, perhaps, for many researchers, the scientific process is merely an annoyance to get to the results that they have already envisioned beforehand. They already know the truth that they want to come out from their studies. The scientific process is merely a game that everyone has to play to later, advance their careers.
Prestigious journals going political – Nature mentioned this week that they will publish more articles on politics. The editorial in this week’s Science also criticizes Trump against the backdrop of the uninspiring US presidential debate. I just draw parallel with what’s happening with the New York Times, where they are supposed to have been getting more subscribers with the election of Trump. Perhaps, these journals are also moving according to market demands? On another related note, the cryptocurrency company Coinbase decided that they will not be political, offering employees a generous severance if they leave the company if they don’t share its values. I don’t really have much stance on this topic but it is really scary how polarized we are in politics. Before, I never really had much interest this sphere, but seems like politics has taken over everyone’s lives.
The brokering role of technology transfer offices within entrepreneurial ecosystems: an investigation of macro–meso–micro factors – a multilevel exploration of the various roles played by TTOs as brokers in the innovation ecoystem.
Toward the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Organizing Early-Phase New Venture Creation Support Systems – I’m involved in the ATTRACT project which aims to support the evolution of ideas from research to new ventures. The article identifies openness, self-selection, visibility and connectivity as aspects facilitated by such support systems.